Last modified: 2021-11-07
Every year the need for computing power and volumes of information is growing and the task of increasing the efficiency of data center network (DCN) becomes more and more urgent. Modern DCNs are large in size and differ in the variety of equipment connected to them. Because of this, it becomes quite difficult to manage this type of network, namely, traffic orchestration. To solve these problems, use software-defined networking (SDN) technology [1-3]. One of the methods to solve these problems is to use different network topologies. After all, the use of complex topologies (for example, mixed) is not always rational. Since it is much more convenient in small companies to use simple topologies (bus, star, ring, etc.), which are much easier to maintain and orchestrate traffic in them. In large corporations, it is advisable to use more complex network structures to differentiate access, although they are rather difficult to manage and require a large staff of technical staff to maintain them.